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2015 The channel MakingGamesWithBen on youtube recently posted this  pod ‘youtube-ios-player-helper’, ‘~> 0.1’ Once you have run pod install, be sure to use the .xcworkspace file from now on in Xcode. To import the pod, simply use the following import statement at the top of your Swift files: import youtube_ios_player_helper You can then create youtube player views as follows: let playerView = YTPlayerView() Play YouTube video in iOS with swift 5. Note you can find the YouTube video also of this task. Well below is the steps which you have to follow.

Play YouTube video in iOS with swift 5. Note you can find the YouTube video also of this task. Well below is the steps which you have to follow. While you want Play Youtube video in iOS device with swift 5 programming language. Firstly you have add the ‘YoutubePlayer-in-WKWebView’ as pod library. Which is mention into YouTube video.

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