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Mix well to coat all vegetables with oil and bake until soft. (Vegetables should not change colour or caramelise).

Clean and chop all vegetables in similar sized chunks. Drizzle olive oil, salt, and cumin powder. Mix well to coat all vegetables with oil and bake until soft. (Vegetables should not change colour or caramelise). Once the vegetables are cooked, let them cool then blend to a fine puree. Add water or Butternut(Juglans cinerea) .

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It's lunch, it's dinner – really, whatever you decide. And the trick? Lots of garlic and sage! Aka my two favourite fall flavours. Here's everything you need to make these bowls: 1 lb chicken breasts ; honey mustard; butternut squash; brussels sprouts; red pepper; red 19.01.2021 01.03.2021 Butternut timber is a soft, yellowish-gray with a coarse grain.

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