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^ 'b:' Bundled with a version of the console. The white console was commonly bundled with Wii Sports at launch; since the release of MotionPlus, the Wii Sports bundle with either the white or black console also includes Wii Sports Resort. ISO 遊戲交流區版規 最後修訂 : 2005 年 06 月 03 日本區主要做為提供 3DO, DreamCast, Meg .. Browse and buy digital games on the Nintendo game store, and automatically download them to your Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS system or Wii U console. 编号:GBC0876中文名:玛璃欧网球 英 英文名: Mario Tennis English [Capital] 编号:GBC0877中文名:大金刚 2001 日 英文名: 编号:GBC0878中文名:顽皮小鬼游乐场 英 英文名: Rugrats in Paris The Movie French 编号:GBC0879中文名:纯情房东俏房客 2 日 英文名: Love Hina Party Japanese 资讯 任天堂公布三款限定版New 2DS LL 2018年内发售.
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