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Courses from IIT's, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, Udacity, Udemy etc [Step 1] 准备时间:3-4小时 x 12月 考试成绩/日期 266/99 (07-12) Kaplan Qbank /日期 73?考前一个月作完的9 W9 k) ]' x1 P0 n+ p: z UW Bank /日期 74, 考前一个月 (这两个题库我是穿插作的,好像前后快半年) NBME 1/日期 720/3wk前 NBME 2/日期 下载版,大约90%?3 `6 o: O# |: R: M) s$ c 分别是pathoma+kaplan step 1 全套的医学学习视频. 六级本来想好好复习一下,再考个600+,但是没有时间复习,交了35块,又不想浪费,就去坐了2小时,考了500+(具体分不记得了,成绩单因为觉得分数太低给扔了,想着以后再考一次,结果再也没参加过。 AnkiWeb is a free companion to the computer version of Anki. AnkiWeb can be used to review online when you don't have access to your home computer, and can be used to keep your cards synchronized across multiple machines. Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) The global standard for financial risk. Recognized in every major market, the FRM is the leading certification for risk managers. It is consistently in demand by nearly every major bank and firm in the world, and is awarded only to professionals who demonstrate the knowledge and ability to anticipat 小木虫,论坛,科研.
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