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It is also called an open-source operating system as users can also get its source code and understand the working mechanism of this Operating System. The installation process for Windows Subsystem for Linux has been significantly improved in the latest Windows Insiders preview builds of Windows 10, replacing the manual steps below with a single command. In order to use the wsl --install simplified install command, you must: Join the Windows Insiders Program 1、安装Windows 10,方法这里略过,用启动U盘安装即可。2个系统我用的64位,只分了一个分区给Windows,见分区表。System为Windows的系统分区,安装完成Windows后,创建2个分区给Ubuntu,再进行Ubuntu安装。 10.07.2017 18.03.2021 启用Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. 启用 Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 功能,首先你得先满足以下2个条件。 使用x86-64架构的 CPU。 使用 Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 14316)64位版本。 如何获取 Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 14316)呢? 这里有两种办法: 在Windows最新的Windows 10系统中已可以安装Ubuntu的子系统,这样就可以在没有使用虚拟机或者是没有通过ssh连接到其他外部服务器的情况下使用Ubuntu系统,安装使用也很简单,首先先要确认你的Windows 10 14316版本,可以winver查看,如果你的Windows 10不是最新请更新下系统wKioL1mqHsrgqBgyAAA6y_HueeM897.png-wh_50 First step is to install Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server xrdp on the Ubuntu 20.04 desktop. To … 10.

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